Hi, there and welcome to my site.. I am a shipping and freight professional, blogger, aspiring life coach, thought leader and a mentor for youth development..

As you may know, I write an educational blog about Shipping and Freight……………. Wait a minute, you do know about that right..?? After all the site has more than 3 million visitors and 17,800+ subscribers currently follow it, so if you are not one of them, you can subscribe to the blog for free here..

Well anyway, there are many things that I don’t share or write on that site because that is a niche site relating to shipping and freight.. So I will use this personal space of mine to write about all those things..

You will find tips on sales & marketing, tips on how to communicate effectively, poetry (my own and others), politics, books, golf, movies and many other interests featured here..

Through this personal blog I hope to be able to guide, mentor and inspire the youth to find their niche, their strengths, their passion and their talent which will enable them to achieve a self realization of themselves thereby helping them achieve their goals..

So you might want to sign up below to my site to receive my articles on email..

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