Millenium Sunrise

Millenium Sunrise

You RUN from place to place
‘Tween countries, as in a race
No matter what the price

Have you ever stopped to MEASURE
The waste of treasure
Many a poor man’s life it can ASSURE

It is my birthright!!! You SURMISE
When your McDonald’s meal you upsize
You think not of starving people’s demise
Because of their poverty so precise

The same SUN of the MILLENNIUM
RISES over each SLUM
Where people are so LEAN
They are considered to be MEAN

You travel to the earth’s RIM
In those suits so trim
About the poor you don’t MUSE
Coz to you, they are of no USE

Their destiny you do RULE
And they accept it like a fool
MEAN to you, they SEEM
Even if their empty stomachs they SEAM

You choose to know not, the world so REAL,
The starvation stories so surreal
Although money you have in a REEL
Its pathetic that you cant feel

A brood of MALES you SIRE
To take care of your empire
You care not about the MIRE
All you want is your desire

Money you have, to fly around in your private jets
And with your mistress to squander on bets
And on her richly spoilt pets
But you care not what a starving man gets

‘Fore you leave on your MILLENNIUM trip so SURE
As part of your social LURE
Pray sit and think in LEISURE
Of the poor and the staving whose future so UNSURE

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About manaadiar

A simple guy with complicated interests and wishes in life.. Personal quote - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF..

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